Self Care Day to Get Unstuck- POSTPONED
postponed- check back for updates
|Bayan Roots
A package deal, one day only: coaching followed by private massage, both specially designed to explore where you are stuck and get things moving!

Time & Location
postponed- check back for updates
Bayan Roots, 2575 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94602, USA
About the Event
*** Postponed so that we can stay home and practice physical distancing in support of community care. Contact Talia if you're interested in scheduling a virtual coaching session instead. Check back here for updates on when this will be rescheduled.***
Are you feeling stagnant? Searching for your flow? Do you have a decision to make? When grappling with our love lives, careers, body image, or anything else, sometimes we get stuck inside our own heads. This stuckness can manifest in physical or energetic imbalances in the body.
That's why we're pairing together massage and coaching: to invite your body back into balance and envision new possibilities! You'll leave with greater clarity, as well as next steps.
45-minute coaching by Talia Cooper
45-minute massage by Caitlin Tabancay Austin
$130 package price ($180 value)
need-based sliding scale available
To reserve your package, please fill out the RSVP form and submit payment.
Caitlin Tabancay Austin is a Certified Massage Therapist (CAMTC #74468). She offers trauma-informed Swedish, shiatsu, and acupressure massage. Clients can opt for a shiatsu-based session (performed over clothes), or a Swedish-based session (oil on skin while draped).
Talia Cooper is a life coach, certification expected March 2020. She specializes in body liberation coaching; partnering with clients to re-learn body acceptance.