For all bodies
Next week will be the anniversary of the Body Love Mini Dance Parties! So in honor of this occasion, here is a step by step guide on how to dance. You can also check out the visual version of this post on instagram.
Step 1:
Check in with your body. Say, “Hey body, may I have this dance?”
Step 2:
Listen to your body’s response.
If it says, “Nooooo!” Say, “Ok! I still love you!” Then lie down or eat a snack or memorize a funny joke.
If your body says, “Maybe!” Ask your body if it wants to try dancing for just a bit, with full permission to stop if it’s not fun. If so, go to step 3.
If your body says, “Yessss! I thought you’d never ask!” Then definitely go to step 3.
Step 3:
Visualize how little kids dance. Or if you can't picture it, maybe look it up on YouTube.
Step 4:
Find some music you like, preferably the kind that puts a little wiggle in your step.*
Step 5:
Begin to step*, letting in said wiggle.
Step 6:
Pause to worry: “Oh no! Do I look silly?” Then remind yourself: “Oh wait it doesn't matter!”
Step 7: Continue dancing.
Want to dance? Come join us, every Thursday, just 15 minutes, just dancing.
*I'm using "step" to mean any kind of movement. It does not have to involve feet or standing up.